Sunday, January 29, 2012

WTF and YOU!

if you find merit in this event, it would be cool to maybe throw down a $2 or spread the word or really, do anything to show that you might be a-ok with supporting creators and artist weather you get their creation and art or not.

and if you have read a blog of ours, watched a video we've produced for free or any of the numerous other items we have produced and given to the world, for free… now might be the time to show that appreciation.

this is the website, I made it to be passed around and viewed.

this way, if you simply pass the WTF website around you're not asking your pals to give up money, your merely passing a link around that they may or may not like, you do this every day… why not with our event/project?

I ask that you help spread the link so those who might get it can judge for themselves and either bring life to, or kill off our idea by voting with their dollars.

of course, if you do get it, if you are an artist who looks at this event and wants to do something similar or would like to be a part of it, or would attend if you were closer, well… why not throw $2 towards the kickstarter and then brag that you did and why you chose to vote with your dollars?

here is that link:

and if you owe me, if I given you a gift, if my wife has given you a gift, well, it sucks to have to say this, but yea, I expect you to acknowledge this note in some way.


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